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The Need

The COVID-19 Pandemic has caused many challenges around the world and especially for our friends in Africa. In April we learned through our ministry partners in Kenya (some of whom we have known for decades), that because of the global pandemic parents are struggling to feed their families. Many of these families are single moms with six or seven children. The challenges these moms face abound but right now it’s about survival. Shutdowns related to COVID-19 have caused most of them to lose their only source of income.

What We’ve Been Doing

We started in April by providing food for a month for one family we are connected to. As we continued to message back and forth and asked how their neighbors were doing, they replied, "Well, some are doing well because we shared our Provision so 10 families now have food for a week!" This precious family was given 30 days of food and chose to share with the 10 most needy families around them and only have one-week's worth of food for themselves! We were blown away by this PURE FAITH!

As our friends here in the states heard what we were doing, many jumped on board to help. At the same time, the need in Africa grew as jobs didn’t return and more people were struggling to eat. What started with feeding 9 people has now turned into feeding 1,000 people two meals a day, seven days a week. From our last count (1/24/2021), we have provided over 500,960 meals!

The need is still there and the funds have run out. These families are still unable to provide food for their families and the funds we have raised have dried up. We need to find a way to provide on-going support for these families until the COVID-19 crisis is over and they are able to find work again.

Click here to read more about the need and what we’ve been doing to help.

 The 7/7 Challenge

Did you know it only costs $7 to feed a person for an ENTIRE MONTH through our Feeding Africa program?! SEVEN DOLLARS! Think about what typically costs you $7: A large pumpkin spice latte with an extra shot of espresso, a combo meal at a fast food restaurant, a ticket to see a movie, or a few gallons of gas. Instead $7 can feed someone for a month! 

So here is the seven seven challenge. Commit to sponsor someone for $7 a month, and then ask 7 of your friends to do the same. Together we can meet this incredible need. Our goal is to establish 1,000 monthly sponsorships to help feed our friends in Africa who are struggling.

Will you take the 7/7 challenge? 

  • Click the link below and setup a recurring donation for $7/month to feed 1 person or $50/month to feed a family.

  • Then use the resources below to share this with 7 of your friends.