Kenosha pastors participating in a panel discussion about unity and the Holy Spirit at Naturally Supernatural.

Kenosha pastors participating in a panel discussion about unity and the Holy Spirit at Naturally Supernatural.


Jesus' prayer for us in John 17 shows God's heart for unity among his people.

“I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in me through their message. I pray that they will all be one, just as you and I are one—as you are in me, Father, and I am in you. And may they be in us so that the world will believe you sent me." - John 17:20-21

As we look across the scope of Christianity in our nation and around the world, the Church is segmented and divided. Church splits, denominational arguments, and hostility between brothers and sisters in Christ has permeated Christianity and as a result causes the rest of the world to doubt Jesus and turn away from his bride. At Kingdom Partners Global, our vision is to see Jesus' prayer for the Church to be one come to reality. We believe that the cross of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit are strong enough to overcome centuries of division within the Church.

So how do we accomplish this? First, we realize a movement toward unity is only possible through the work of the Holy Spirit. God has called us to pray for revival, for unity within individual churches and unity among churches of different denominations as we realize unity is a work only He can accomplish. We have seen first-hand in Kenosha, Wisconsin God bring unity to churches of many different backgrounds. Unified in the gospel, pastors from baptist churches to charismatic churches and everything in between have been meeting weekly for prayer since 2007. We've seen God do incredible things in these churches and in this city, but we know there is much more work to be done.

Kingdom Partners Global Executive Director, Roger Myers, praying over people during a worship night at Immanuel Kenosha.Church.

Kingdom Partners Global Executive Director, Roger Myers, praying over people during a worship night at Immanuel Kenosha.Church.


At Kingdom Partners Global, everything starts with prayer. If we are to see a profound move of God, the Church must be devoted to prayer. As we help connect churches to each other and to a lost world, our first goal is to get them together to pray. This is why a major part of our ministry is the Kenosha Allies group where local pastors meet together weekly to pray for each other, the churches in our area and the community. When we pray together, our hearts become aligned with the mission of God and the result is a spirit of cooperation and advancement of God's Kingdom.

Prayer is communication with the living God. This two-way interaction with the Creator of the Universe is our major method to accomplish God's purpose and should be a priority in our lives. Luke tells us in Acts 2:42 that after Jesus ascended into heaven, “All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching... and to prayer." Likewise, the Apostle Paul instructs the church in Colossians 4:2 to “Devote yourselves to prayer..." Devote means to give all or a large part of your time or resources to a person, activity, or cause.

We are first and foremost driven to prayer by Christ's example. All throughout the gospels we read about Jesus praying to the Father. Luke 5:16 even tells us “Jesus often withdrew to the wilderness for prayer." As followers of Jesus our goal is to become more and more like him. Secondly, the early church continued in this model. Acts 1:14 says the disciples “...were constantly united in prayer."

Prayer gives us guidance and direction and shows us where to direct our energy. Jesus said he only does what he hears his Father telling him to do. Prayer is that avenue for hearing the Father and seeing where he is at work. Important decisions and miraculous signs go hand and hand with prayer. When Peter was arrested and put in prison the church prayed for him and he was miraculously rescued. Acts 14:23 tells us the church appointed elders with prayer and fasting.

We invite you to join us in devoting yourself to prayer. Pray for God to make you more like Jesus. Pray for wisdom for your church leadership. Pray for revival in your city and your nation. Pray for your friends and family who don't know Jesus to respond to the gospel. Pray for God to speak to you and give you guidance every day.

The Gospel

Everything we do at Kingdom Partners is centered around the gospel — that Jesus came to save us from our sin. It’s our foundation and our motivation. It has shaped us and it continues to shape all that we do.

Students and youth leaders learn how to share the Gospel during a session at Lead The Cause South Africa.

Students and youth leaders learn how to share the Gospel during a session at Lead The Cause South Africa.

Borrowed from friends of ours at Dare2Share Ministries, we use the gospel acrostic to define what the gospel is and how to explain the gospel in our evangelism efforts.

God created us to be with him.
Our sin separates us from God.
Sins cannot be removed by good deeds.
Paying the price for sin, Jesus died and rose again.
Everyone who trusts in him alone has eternal life.
Life with Jesus starts now and lasts forever.

The gospel is central to all that we do at Kingdom Partners. First, the good news of Jesus has changed our lives. Knowing that He has forgiven us and loves us unconditionally has forever changed who we are and what we choose to do with our lives. In our efforts to bring unity to churches, the gospel is what we focus on. The gospel is central to our faith in Christ and it brings pastors and leaders together. In our Allies network, the gospel is what we agree upon and focus on. It’s what holds us together. When we do mission trips around the world, we don’t just go and build houses or provide for physical needs — we bring the good news of Jesus. So many of the mission trips we’ve led have included training on how to share the gospel and times of actually going out to the streets to talk to people about Jesus. The gospel is and always will be front and center at Kingdom Partners.


Our heartbeat is helping the church of Jesus get on mission and do what he’s called them to do. We believe strongly that God has called Christians to share their faith and reach the world with the gospel.

High school and college students on a mission trip to South Africa sharing the gospel and praying for people at the beach.

High school and college students on a mission trip to South Africa sharing the gospel and praying for people at the beach.

“Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations…” - Jesus (Matthew 28:19)

Throughout our lives, God has used us in leading mission trips across the world to bring the hope of the gospel. God even called us to move our family to Kenya for several years for missions work. Roger has led missions teams to Jamaica, England, Scotland, South Africa, Kenya, Poland, and more.

We long to see the church reaching out to people near and far with the hope of Jesus.