April 2024 Update

Tammy, Kellie & Joel

Greetings, Family and Friends! 2024 started off with a bang for our family. As we were preparing for my (Roger) second hip surgery, I thought it would be a good idea for Tammy to be refreshed before heading into a long season of caring for a patient and all that entails. Tammy and our daughter Kellie headed off to England from January 15th-25th, to spend time having fun with Koral, her husband Divan, and one-year-old Joel. They had an amazing time away while David Johnson and I held down the fort. Good news, no one died, and we survived being mommyless for 10 days.

Personal & Family Update

Roger & Zeke before Zeke’s surgery

Upon their return, Tammy noticed that Zeke’s ability to walk had become much more labored and his pain level had increased exponentially. To backtrack a bit, Zeke had been having problems since August with his right hip and was receiving treatments from our chiropractor on a regular basis for what we thought was hip flexor issues. He continued playing soccer and walking fine with a bit of soreness and limping once in awhile. Then he fell down a flight of stairs January 1st on his left hip, but could walk and therapy seemed to be helping…

Zeke after surgery with his Cheeseburger Pillow

Tammy left for England expecting to come home to Zeke walking normal again. She was so shocked at how much he had deteriorated that she immediately called the doctor and had an appointment set up for Wednesday the next week. We saw the doctor, had X-rays and were recommended to an orthopedic specialist. We went home to have dinner, Tammy made an appointment for the next day with the ortho specialist. She no sooner hung up from making the appointment when Zeke’s doctor called saying, “Get Zeke to Children's Hospital STAT, there is a surgery team waiting for you and do not let Zeke put any weight on his left leg.” All I could think was that went from 0-100 fast!

After arriving at the hospital, it was determined that Zeke was going to need procedures on both hips, and since it was both hips they wanted to wait till morning with a fresh surgeon. Zeke underwent double hip surgery on February 1st putting a screw in each hip. He could not put any weight on either leg for 6 weeks! We rented a hospital bed and a wheelchair and he convalesced in the living room.

Our living room became Zeke’s new bedroom

It was rough for him to have his 13th birthday confined to bed. He had originally asked to have a nerf birthday party running around shooting his friends, but that did not happen. Don’t feel too bad for Zeke though, he received a Nintendo switch for Christmas from a very generous family. He has been in game-playing heaven being allowed to play more games than he would under normal circumstances. It’s amazing to see God’s goodness in the timing of this gift. Even before we realized a ‘need,’ God provided.

Zeke’s good friend, Jaxson, who is also homeschooled, got to spend many nights and days here (as long as he had his school work done), and became his personal nurse getting him water, food and other things helping to ease the burden on Tammy. Shout out to Nurse Jaxson!

Roger after his second hip surgery

My surgery came one week after Zeke’s and while I am not confined to bed, I was unable to put more than 50% of my weight on my right leg until April 15th. Then not more than 75% until May 15th, which is only 1 week away from the anniversary of my first surgery… a whole year will have gone by and I still have more physical therapy (or physical torture as I call it) to do.

Going into the 2nd surgery, we were told they would remove the bursa and fix a muscle tear. Coming out of the surgery, we were told they removed the bursa and stretched and reattached the medial gluteal muscle and tendon that had ripped away from bone. So needless to say, the Myers’ home is a recovery ward. We are very excited that our family finally got attend church together as a family, the week before Easter Sunday! 

A Bible verse from The Message translation helps put this last year into context:

”Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way.“ James 1:2-4 MSG

God is Good no matter our circumstances. He is in control and we are growing to become more like Christ with each trial.

Feeding Africa

We continue to run the Feeding Africa program as there is still a huge need to help people have enough food and water. We are working toward ways to help this program to be more self sufficient.

Volunteers getting food supplies for our Feeding Africa program

The Mathare feeding program near Nairobi has a small plot of land that they are growing food on to help feed families. They are also raising chickens. They began with just a handful of baby chicks and now have nearly 50 chickens for eggs and meat! They use the sale of those to buy feed to keep the chickens growing.

Volunteers gathering food supplies for our Feeding Africa program

The Kijabe feeding program is also in need of funds to finish the housing structure being built on the 3 acres of farm land they have. Margaret is hoping to use this home (Amani Haven) to take in girls who need a place to live. Some are orphaned, some are homeless, some just cannot be cared for by their families…all are at risk for trafficking. She knows three young girls (ages 3-6) who lost their Mom and their Grandma is struggling to care for them. Margaret would like to take them into her home and love them as her own. The needs are currently to finish the roof and paint…roughly $4,000.

As of March 31st, we are pleased to announce that we have provided $187,445 to supply 1,690,960 meals to help our brothers and sisters in Africa. Money that is collected for the Feeding Africa program goes 100% to food and water, nothing goes to administrative costs either here in America or overseas in Kenya. All administrative costs are covered by other individuals or come out of the Kingdom Partners general Fund. So you can be assured that anything you give to help feed God’s children in need, goes to feed them.

As we recently celebrated Easter and all that Christ has done for us, won’t you consider blessing those who are in need of their daily bread with a gift to Feeding Africa to help meet this need? If we are to continue helping to feed at this rate, we will need $29,250 to finish out the year.  We appreciate you praying about whether or not God wants to use you through this program to help further his kingdom.

“A faithful, sensible servant is one to whom the master can give the responsibility of managing his other household servants and feeding them. If the master returns and finds that the servant has done a good job, there will be a reward.“ Matthew 24:45-46 NLT

City-Wide Prayer

Monday prayer nights are amazing, and I continue to look forward to getting out of the house and praying with a group of like-minded people who are committed to praying for our city and each other.

As we look to the future, please be in prayer for me as I believe God has been speaking to me about a city-wide Worship gathering… bringing the Church of Kenosha together to Praise God. It’s a huge task, one which I do not feel qualified to do. I need His direction and favor to pull this off.

Thank You

Just want to say thank you so much for those of you who have been praying for us over these past difficult months, we greatly appreciate it.  For those of you who have given to Kingdom Partners Global or the feeding program, may God richly bless you for your generosity. Paul writes in 2nd Corinthians encouraging us to give to others and to help others financially.

”Give in proportion to what you have. Whatever you give is acceptable if you give it eagerly. And give according to what you have, not what you don’t have. Right now you have plenty and can help those who are in need. Later, they will have plenty and can share with you when you need it. In this way, things will be equal.“ 2 Corinthians 8:11b-12,14aNLT

Please take some time and ask the Lord if He would have you help in this ministry. The question is not whether or not we should give, but where we should give. If God is leading you to give here, please click the appropriate button below. Thank you for your generosity!

Click the link below to give online. If you are giving by check, please send your check to the address listed below; do not put our name on the check, but make checks payable to Kingdom Partners Global. All checks will go towards our personal support unless stated otherwise. You will receive a receipt for tax purposes. Thank you so much for being a part of the ministry with us.

Kingdom Partners Global Inc.
6015 60th Street
Kenosha, WI 53144

- Roger Myers
Executive Director

January 2024 Update

Hey, there family and friends! It is such a blessing to be able to celebrate the birth of Jesus with so many loved ones! We are now propelled into 2024, but first I will reflect on 2023 which was quite the year… full of so many ups and downs. In many ways it feels like a year of incompletion. 

Personal Update

Shoutout to my friend, Steve Wright, who sent me this huge inflatable bear to cheer me up and help me recover.

The first major incompletion was my hip. I first started to experience major hip and leg pain in the beginning of 2023, and it was decided that I would have a total hip replacement on May 23rd. After seven months of recovery, I still have not experienced complete healing. The bursa is inflamed and one of the glute muscles is torn. A second surgery is scheduled for February 8th to try to rectify these problems.

from left: Zeke, Kaylee, Tammy, Roger, Sarah, Grace, Kellie, Paul and David

The second major area of incompleteness is our new home. We moved into our new house in December 2022, and we are so very thankful to the Lord for His provision for our living arrangements. We now have a working kitchen, working bathrooms and doors on the bedrooms, yet there are still many things to do: base shoe, door casings, putting in ceilings in the bedrooms which are in the basement, painting, and the list goes on. While we are able to live in our home, we are at a standstill because I am unable to complete any more projects due to the condition of my hip and the pain I am experiencing.

Feeding Africa

For privacy reasons, part of this document has been redacted for this online update.

Crops growing on the Shamba outside of Nairobi.

Although it felt like a year of incompletions, that was not the case with everything. We were able to complete the purchase of a Shamba (small farm) for our Nairobi feeding program to help to supplement the food they are handing out. The hope is that with chickens and some produce, they will be able to reduce their reliance on what they are receiving from the feeding program. A gentleman in Kenya was so impressed with what was happening with the feeding program, that he offered the parcel of land at a very reduced rate, and was willing to let the land be used even before we had it paid off. Thank You, Jesus, for the completion that we saw!

The young people who run our feeding program in Nairobi have been praying about what else they can do to meet the needs of their people in Kenya besides giving them food, giving devotionals, speaking words of encouragement, praying, and having Bible studies. After much prayer they felt the Lord was saying that nothing would change their country unless they begin to change the hearts of the youth. So they wrote to some high schools to see if they could go and preach the gospel. One school responded with the offer of room and board if they would come and speak to the students. Tammy and I provided them with funds for a rental van and a driver. And they headed out for 3 days. They had an amazing time and 35 students responded to the Gospel and asked Jesus Christ to be Lord of their lives! I love the fact that they want to meet Spiritual needs along with physical needs. Nifah, who leads our feeding efforts in Nairobi, is currently studying for her driver’s license in hopes of a vehicle being donated for them to use in travel to and from high schools, to and from the shamba, and to pick up and deliver the food bundles.

The Kijabe program also experienced some completion. We were able to help pay for a roof to be put on the structure that is located on the Kijabe feeding program’s land. With this roofing in place, Margaret is hoping to take in three young girls who saw their mother brutally murdered by her boyfriend and are temporarily staying with an elderly grandmother who is having difficulty caring for the girls.

Roof for the structure being built at our feeding program location in Kijabe.

The Feeding Africa program continues to operate, it is sort of limping along as we are in the negative at year’s end. One of the reasons that we are in the red is that a church who had been a supporter of Kingdom Partners Global and the Feeding Africa program for years, and had given $8,000 in 2022, just stopped giving with no word or warning. We have still been able to send money for food by using KPG general funds, though this has depleted most of those funds…yet praise God we had funds to deplete. As of December 31st, we have sent $177,370 for a total of 1,599,960 meals. We hit the 1.6 million mark on Jan. 1st. Happy New Year! 

City-Wide Prayer

We continue to meet for prayer on Monday nights, and we will have done so for one year. Getting people to come pray has been a very difficult task, but so very rewarding! Although the numbers are small, we have experienced God meeting us each Monday night. We have seen many healings, both physically and emotionally. God’s presence has been felt by so many. Although the goal was to go for the year, which we did it, those who come have asked if we could continue meeting in the new year. Yes! Of course we will continue!


From left: Grace, Zeke, and Sarah

Rescue squad outside our home on Christmas Day. They responded so quickly!

I’d like to say the end of 2023 ended with all the bells and whistles, but that would be an exaggeration as it ended with lights and sirens. Our daughter, Grace, had an episode with her heart… she collapsed to the ground clutching her chest and was clammy and couldn’t talk well. She was taken to the emergency room via ambulance with Tammy riding along and me following. Tammy, Grace, and I spent Christmas evening in the ER with EKGs, CT scans and blood tests to rule out heart attack and pulmonary embolisms. Grace is extremely weak and tired but in very good spirits. She loved getting to ride in the rescue squad for Christmas. We will be following up with a pediatric cardiologist on Jan 10th at Children's Hospital in Milwaukee.

Thank You

We are so thankful for each of you who pray for us and support us financially. Please continue to pray for physical healing for Grace and me; as well as increased financial support to meet the deficit we are facing. Just a reminder that all gifts given to the Feeding Africa program go 100% to feeding these people in desperate need of food. We are also looking for people to help support Kingdom Partners Global as we reach out and minister to those God brings across our path. If you are interested in helping support the ministry, please click the link below.

Click the link below to give online. If you are giving by check, please send your check to the address listed below; do not put our name on the check, but make checks payable to Kingdom Partners Global. All checks will go towards our personal support unless stated otherwise. You will receive a receipt for tax purposes. Thank you so much for being a part of the ministry with us.

Kingdom Partners Global Inc.
6015 60th Street
Kenosha, WI 53144

- Roger Myers
Executive Director